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Simon Hengel’s markdown-unlit tool.
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class( liftIO )
import Control.Monad.State ( MonadState, get, put, modify, StateT, execStateT )
import Data.Functor ( (<&>) )
import Data.Functor.Const ( Const(Const), getConst )
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity(Identity), runIdentity )
Van Laarhoven lenses implement optics through a Functor
-polymorphic definition:
type Lens' o i = forall f. Functor f => (i -> f i) -> o -> f o
A value of Lens' o i
gives us a means to focus on a part i
(inner) of a whole o
For instance we would like to read and modify the fields of the following record.
data St = St { _value :: Int, _changed :: Bool }
Van Laarhoven lenses for record fields are implemented following a fixed scheme:
value :: Lens' St Int
value f st = f (_value st) <&> \ v -> st{ _value = v }
changed :: Lens' St Bool
changed f st = f (_changed st) <&> \ b -> st{ _changed = b }
We take the value of the field, pipe it through the updater f
and set the field to its result.
There aren’t any correct alternatives to this scheme, thanks to the parametric nature of Functor f
The type of van Laarhoven lenses can be instantiated to functors Const
and Identity
implement getters and modifiers for the inner part:
get_ :: Lens' o i -> o -> i
get_ l = getConst . l Const
over :: Lens' o i -> (i -> i) -> o -> o
over l f = runIdentity . l (Identity . f)
A setter is as usual an instance of the modifier with a constant modification function.
set :: Lens' o i -> i -> o -> o
set l = over l . const
With refreshed background, let’s proceed to the main part of this article.
Say we wish to update a part of our program state while also throwing some effects.
It is easy to implement some function modifyM
to that extend:
modifyM :: MonadState o m => Lens' o i -> (i -> m i) -> m ()
modifyM l f = do
o <- get
o' <- l f o
put o'
This can even be written as simple pipeline get >>= l f >>= put
Seems like van Laarhoven lenses were made for effectful updates!
Let try that out!
We write a small monadic program that sets the value
in St
and records whether it changed
the old value.
type M = StateT St IO
Function setChanged
sets the changed
field to True
setChanged :: M ()
setChanged = modifyM changed $ const $ pure True
Function putValue v
set the value
field to v
If the new value differs from the old one, it prints a message and sets changed
putValue :: Int -> StateT St IO ()
putValue new = modifyM value \ old -> do
when (new /= old) do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords [ "Changing value to", show new ]
pure new
Let’s test this with initial value 0
and new value 42
main :: IO ()
main = do
let initial = St{ _value = 0, _changed = False }
final <- flip execStateT initial $ putValue 42
putStrLn $ unwords $ concat
[ [ "Value has" ]
, [ "not" | not $ get_ changed final ]
, [ "changed" ]
Great stuff, let’s run it! It prints:
Changing value to 42
Value has not changed
That is unexpected! The program contradicts itself!
Sanity-checking whether we forgot a negation somewhere… no, the not
is there and correct.
Since we are dealing with a short program the culprit should not be hard to find.
Our first suspicion goes to modifyM
It gets the state, modifies it through l f
and writes back the result…
Seems exactly what we want it to do.
So the lenses must be blamed! Let’s revisit the definition of value
value f st = f (_value st) <&> \ v -> st{ _value = v }
It reads the field _value
from state st
, pipes it through the potentially effectful f
and updates st
with the result.
But in our case f
also updates st
(the field changed
), and those updates are not
included in the result returned by the lens. Thus, updates through a side effect get lost!
Is there anything we can fix in our implementation of the lenses or modifyM
to salvage the situation?
lens would look like this:
valueSafe :: MonadState St m => (Int -> m Int) -> St -> m St
valueSafe f st = do
let old = _value st
new <- f old
st' <- get
put st'{ _value = new }
return st'
Rather than updating st
, we retrieve st'
, the state possibly updated by the effects of f
and store the new value there.
However, valueSafe
isn’t a Lens'
It cannot be specialized to get_
, set
and over
modifyMSafe :: MonadState o m => Lens' o i -> (i -> m i) -> m ()
modifyMSafe l f = do
i <- get_ l <$> get
i' <- f i
modify $ set l i'
(Or as one-liner: get <&> get_ l >>= f >>= modify . set l
This works better because we use the lens l
in an effect-free way, just through its getter and setter instance.
Yet any effects that f i
has on the i
-part of o
are still overwritten by the set
There probably isn’t a safe version of modifyM
The definition of van Laarhofen lenses Functor f => (i -> f i) -> o -> f o
seems to ask for effectful updates,
as it is the most direct way to use them.
However, following its Siren call can have devastating consequences such as state loss that is hard to discover.
In the wild I was bitten by this trap in our 160kloc Agda codebase, where it took me a full work day to isolate the cause of the weird state loss I was observing:
Write a comment by opening an issue in the issue tracker!
Thanks to Ryan Hendrickson (@rhendric), @prophet, and Brandon Chinn (@brandonchinn178) for early feeback.
A comment on a related lens
issue by Edward Kmett in 2012, communicated to me by Ryan Hendrickson.